Designing a Green Part of the Plant

As part of our efforts to combat climate change, we want to create a green plant area at our site, where production is carried out using electric kilns.

Our aim is to power the electric kilns mainly through solar panels installed on the production halls. The solar radiation, which is the basis of the solar cell system, is inexhaustible, but the amount of energy produced by the solar cell system is not constant and continuous; it depends on the seasons, the time of day and the weather. Our biggest challenge now is to develop a solution for storing the excess energy generated during ideal weather conditions.

In our production processes, we currently schedule the start-up of the kilns during sunny periods, which means that we solely use solar energy during the day. To make use of the hours of sunshine at weekends and on public holidays, we can program the kilns to start up during these times. We then monitor the operation of the kilns online.
